LED Haircare
Achieve fuller, stronger, healthier hair and minimise hair loss with our wearable Boost LED devices, microneedling and CALECIM stem-cell growth factor treatments.

The Hair Re-growth Duo
Improve hair strength and density with the Calecim Advanced Hair System and our award-winning Boost LED Body Patch.
CALECIM’s serum stimulates follicle cell growth and is applied using a derma-stamp over a six-week period. Using Boost LED after each serum application supercharges its effects, reduces downtime, and stimulates blood flow to the scalp.
CALECIM is currently available for shipping to the USA and UK only.

Boost LED Body Patch
Our award-winning Boost LED Body Patch. Targets the skin, hair and body from head to toe. 98% agree their skin felt firmer in just four weeks. Users reported reduced hair loss following consistent, regular use after eight weeks.

Calecim Advanced Hair System
A transformative six-week treatment programme to improve hair density, volume and quality. Laboratory tests show a 24% increase in hair follicle cell growth.
CALECIM is currently available for shipping to the USA and UK only.
"I now have an inch of new hair all over my scalp that was not there before using the Hair Re-growth Duo, and the quality of my hair is slowly changing."

"I have had issues with excessive hair shedding since puberty - I was completely blown away by my 6 week course of Advanced Microneedling in salon. Within a few weeks I noticed my hair wasn't falling out as much and within 10 weeks was visibly thicker. I had given up on ever having 'good hair', I can't recommend highly enough."

"By the end of the in-salon Advanced Microneedling 6-treatment course, my hair at the front looked fuller, and is growing back on the top of my head. It also appears to be stronger with less noticeable loss of hair. It's helped my confidence return as well as my hair!"

"I’m really pleased with the outcome of the Hair Re-growth Duo, having tried topical remedies in the past with very little improvement. Within a few weeks I could see some baby hairs make an appearance which was really exciting for me! My temples and parting have shown the most improvement with lots of hairs sprouting, which has already created more fullness where I had lost it before! will continue to use the LED patch regularly. It’s so easy to add into my daily routine."

"After 8 weeks daily use of the Boost LED Patch I received many compliments that my hair is looking thicker and healhier, and I noticed it's not falling out as much as before. It's super easy and convenient to use."